


产品价格:电议      采购度:1606      原产地:美洲

发布时间:2021/6/23 12:52:50      所属地区:国外 国外


Cerdulatinib (PRT062070) 是一种有效的选择性 Tyk2 抑制剂,IC50 为 nM。Cerdulatinib (PRT062070) 是 JAK 和 SYK 的双抑制剂,抑制JAK1,2,3 和SYK的 IC50 分别为12,6,8 和 32。

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CAS No. : 1198300-79-6

MCE 站:Cerdulatinib

产品活性:Cerdulatinib (PRT062070) 是一种有效的选择性 Tyk2 抑制剂,IC50 为 0.5 nM。Cerdulatinib (PRT062070) 是 JAKSYK 的双抑制剂,抑制JAK1,2,3 和SYK的 IC50 分别为12,6,8 和 32。

研究领域:Epigenetics  |  Stem Cell/Wnt  |  JAK/STAT Signaling  |  Protein Tyrosine Kinase/RTK

作用靶点:JAK  |  Syk

In Vitro: Cerdulatinib shows inhibitory effect on 60 CLL with IC50 ranging from 0.37 to 10.02 µM. Cerdulatinib induces apoptosis in CLL in association with MCL-1 down-regulation and PARP cleavage. Cerdulatinib (2μM) is able to overcome the support of the microenvironment and induces CLL cell death. Cerdulatinib (250-500 nM) blocks proliferation of ibrutinib-sensitive and ibrutinib-resistant primary CLL cells. Cerdulatinib also blocks proliferation of both ibrutinib-sensitive and ibrutinib-resistant primary CLL cells as well as BTKC481S-transfected cell lines, and blocks BCR and JAK-STAT signaling pathways. Furthermore, inhibition of SYK and JAK by cerdulatinib translates to downstream inhibition of AKT and ERK. Cerdulatinib inhibits the activity of NF-kB pathway. PRT062070 reduces the ability of stimulated B cells to upregulate cell-surface expression of the early activation marker CD69 (IC50=0.11 µM). PRT062070 exhibits differential potency against cytokine JAK/STAT signaling pathways. PRT062070 (1 or 3 µM) induces apoptosis in BCR-signaling competent NHL cell lines. Cerdulatinib demonstrates inhibitory activity against both ABC and GCB subtypes of DLBCL cells. Cerdulatinib also induces apoptosis in both GCB and ABC subtypes of DLBCL cell lines via caspase 3 and PARP cleavage. And cerdulatinib blocks cell cycle in both ABC and GCB subtypes of DLBCL via inhibition of RB phosphorylation and down-regulation of cyclin E. Cerdulatinib induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis under the condition of BCR stimulation in all DLBCL cell lines. Besides, cerdulatinib blocks JAK/STAT and BCR signaling in both ABC and GCB DLBCL cell lines. Cerdulatinib induces cell death in primary human DLBCL samples. Cerdulatinib inhibits BCR-induced signals in a dose-dependent manner and most strongly between 0.3 to 1 μM. and particularly in IGHV-unmutated samples with greater BCR signaling capacity and response to IL4, or samples expressing higher levels of sIgM, CD49d+, or ZAP70+. Cerdulatinib overcomes anti-IgM, IL4/CD40L, or NLC-mediated protection by preventing upregulation of MCL-1 and BCL-XL; however, BCL-2 expression is unaffected. Furthermore, in samples treated with IL4/CD40L, cerdulatinib synergizes with venetoclax in vitro to induce greater apoptosis than either drug alone.

In Vivo: PRT062070 (0.5 mg/kg) results in a nonstatistically significant trend toward reduced ankle inflammation, whereas significant reductions in inflammation are achieved with the 1.5, 3, and 5 mg/kg doses. PRT062070 also affects anticollagen antibody formation. PRT062070 (15 mg/kg) suppresses upregulation of splenic B-cell surface CD80/86 and CD69, and inhibits BCR signaling and activation in the spleen after oral dosing in mice.

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