
Sodium Salicylate


产品价格:电议      采购度:1611      原产地:美洲

发布时间:2021/7/24 7:07:34      所属地区:上海 上海市


Sodium Salicylate (Salicylic acid sodium salt) 抑制 COX-2 活性,抑制作用与转录因子 (NF-κB) 激活无关。Sodium Salicylate 还是一种 S6K 的抑制剂. Sodium Salicylate 是一种 NF-κB 抑制剂,可降低炎症基因的表达,促进老化肌肉的修复。

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标签:Salicylic   acid   sodium   salt   


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Sodium Salicylate

CAS No. : 54-21-7

MCE 站:Sodium Salicylate

产品活性:Sodium Salicylate (Salicylic acid sodium salt) 抑制 COX-2 活性,抑制作用与转录因子 (NF-κB) 激活无关。Sodium Salicylate 还是一种 S6K 的抑制剂. Sodium Salicylate 是一种 NF-κB 抑制剂,可降低炎症基因的表达,促进老化肌肉的修复。

研究领域:Immunology/Inflammation  |  NF-κB  |  MAPK/ERK Pathway  |  Autophagy  |  Apoptosis

作用靶点:COX  |  NF-κB  |  Ribosomal S6 Kinase (RSK)  |  Autophagy  |  Apoptosis

In Vitro: Sodium Salicylate is an effective inhibitor of COX-2 activity at concentrations far below those required to inhibit NF-κB (20 mg/mL) activation. Sodium Salicylate inhibits prostaglandin E2 release when add together with interleukin 1β for 24 hr with an IC50 value of 5 μg/mL, an effect that is independent of NF-κB activation or COX-2 transcription or translation. Sodium Salicylate acutely (30 min) also causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of COX-2 activity measured in the presence of 0, 1, or 10 μM exogenous arachidonic acid. In contrast, when exogenous arachidonic acid is increased to 30 μM, Sodium Salicylate is a very weak inhibitor of COX-2 activity with an IC50 of >100 μg/mL. When added together with IL-1β for 24 hr, Sodium Salicylate causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of PGE2 release with an apparent IC50 value of approximately 5 μg/mL. The ability of Sodium Salicylate to directly inhibit COX-2 activity in A549 cells is tested after a 30-min exposure period, followed by the addition of different concentrations of exogenous arachidonic acid (1, 10, and 30 μM). Sodium Salicylate causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of COX-2 activity in the absence of added arachidonic acid or in the presence of 1 or 10 μM exogenous substrate with an apparent IC50 value of approximately 5 μg/mL. However, when the same experiments are performed using 30 μM arachidonic acid, Sodium Salicylate is an ineffective inhibitor of COX-2 activity, with an apparent IC50 value of more than 100 μg/mL, and achieves a maximal inhibition of less than 50%.

In Vivo: In C57Bl/6 DIO mice, Salicylate decreases both fasting and postprandial plasma glucose levels. Furthermore, there is a trend to reduce plasma triglyceride levels after Salicylate treatment in C57Bl/6 DIO mice (P=0.059). Salicylate significantly reduces 11β-HSD1 mRNA in omental adipose tissue in C57Bl/6 DIO mice, with a similar trend in mesenteric adipose (P=0.057). In mesenteric adipose of C57Bl/6 DIO mice, Salicylate also reduces 11β-HSD1 enzyme activity.

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