
Ginsenoside Rd


产品价格:电议      采购度:1602      原产地:美洲

发布时间:2021/11/4 19:19:05      所属地区:国外 国外


Ginsenoside Rd 抑制 TNFα 诱导的 NF-κB 转录活性,IC50 为 ± μM。Ginsenoside Rd 抑制 COX-2 和 iNOS mRNA 的表达。Ginsenoside Rd 还抑制 Ca2+ 内流。Ginsenoside Rd 抑制CYP2D6,CYP1A2,CYP3A4 和 CYP2C9,IC50 分别为 ± μM,±5

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标签:Gypenoside   VIII   


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Ginsenoside Rd

CAS No. : 52705-93-8

MCE 站:Ginsenoside Rd

产品活性:Ginsenoside Rd 抑制 TNFα 诱导的 NF-κB 转录活性,IC50 为 12.05±0.82 μM。Ginsenoside Rd 抑制 COX-2iNOS mRNA 的表达。Ginsenoside Rd 还抑制 Ca2+ 内流。Ginsenoside Rd 抑制CYP2D6CYP1A2CYP3A4CYP2C9IC50 分别为 58.0±4.5 μM,78.4±5.3 μM,81.7±2.6 μM 和 85.1±9.1 μM。

研究领域:NF-κB  |  Immunology/Inflammation  |  Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel  |  Neuronal Signaling  |  Metabolic Enzyme/Protease

作用靶点:NF-κB  |  COX  |  Calcium Channel  |  Cytochrome P450  |  Endogenous Metabolite

In Vitro: Ginsenoside Rd is one of the most abundant ingredients of Panax ginseng. Ginsenoside Rd significantly inhibits TNF-α-induced NF-κB transcriptional activity with an IC50 of 12.05±0.82 in HepG2 cells. Ginsenoside Rd also inhibits expression of COX-2 and iNOS mRNA and iNOS promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. To determine nontoxic concentrations, HepG2 cells are treated with various concentrations (0.1, 1, and 10 μM) of compounds (e.g., Ginsenoside Rd) and cell viability is measured using an MTS assay. No compounds are significantly cytotoxic at up to 10 μM, indicating that NF-κB inhibition is not due to cell toxicity. Ginsenoside Rd is one of the most abundant ingredients of Panax ginseng, protects the heart via multiple mechanisms including the inhibition of Ca2+ influx. Ginsenoside Rd reduces ICa,L peak amplitude in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50=32.4±7.1 μM). Ginsenoside Rd exhibits an inhibition against the activity of CYP2D6 in human liver microsomes with an IC50 of 58.0±4.5 μM, a weak inhibition against the activity of CYP1A2, CYP3A4, and CYP2C9 in human liver microsomes with IC50s of 78.4±5.3, 81.7±2.6, and 85.1±9.1, respectively, and an even weaker inhibition against the activity of CYP2A6 in human liver microsomes with an IC50 value of more than 100 μM.

In Vivo: Ginsenosides Rd is a major compound isolated from Gynostemma pentaphyllum that holistically improves gut microenvironment and induces anti-polyposis in ApcMin/+ mice. Six-weeks-old mice are subjected to Ginsenoside Rd treatment, before the appearance of the intestinal polyps. All the mice are monitored for food intake, water consumption, and weight changes. Throughout the experiment, no Rb3/ Ginsenoside Rd-associated weight loss in mice is observed. In addition, of the treated mice show variations in food and water consumption. Whereas, the number and size of the polyps are effectively reduced by Ginsenoside Rd treatments.

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